Speech & Letter

Speech at Farewell Banquet by Team Leader, Shigeo Matsuoka

At last, the day has come for us to leave. It was lucky none of us got sick nor any homesick. We know next Sunday is Easter. In Winston-Salem, this is a very special day. Day of Sunrise Service. We know, in this season every family is supposed to go South for vacation or just enjoy Easter. We wish if we could stay a week longer.

In a week, dogwoods and azalea will be in full bloom. This will be the prettiest time in your State. We hate to leave. But we must. All I can think of now is my deepest thanks to Mr. District Governor, the GSE subcommittee members, host families, zone coordinators, volunteers for van-drivers such as Pete, tour guides in so many places and every Rotarians in this district. They spared their precious time for us. We appreciate the giving.

Yes, we enjoyed the stay in district 769 very much. I believe every member of our GSE team had a great time here. It will be an experience once in a lifetime for us all. Without Rotary, we couldn't see so many people. Without Rotary, we couldn't learn so much. I would like to just say "Rotary is truly a great organization".

I hope our visit to North Carolina contributes to enhance mutual understanding between People of United States and Japan. And the mutual understanding must be the key-word to bring peace and happiness to mankind who live on this limited and precious planet Earth.

Now, I feel like crying to have to say you goodbye. We shall meet again. We are looking forward to welcome your GSE team in Osaka next year with "Thank you and Sayonara. "

Letter from a G.S.E. Subcommittee Member of District 769

Dear Leader and Members of District 266 Group Study Exchange Team:

This same letter is being sent to each one of you in order quickly to let you know how very much we enjoyed having you in our District. You were a marvelous Group and made a splendid impression on everyone. We now count you as friends and look forward to a kindness of fate that might permit us to meet again.

It is our hope that you had an enjoyable, safe trip back home and that your memories of the United States are based upon your North Carolina experiences and NOT as upon what you might have seen in New York. Remember.......North Carolina IS America....America at its best! !

Pat Barfield was able to make it to Winston-Salem by 10: 10 pm Friday night of our Farewell Banquet....but, of course, that was a bit too late. He had a long 450 mile drive in all that downpour of rain and was quite exhausted when he finally arrived. He phoned me from Mt. Airy to give his regards to you which I am now doing.

It is too bad that you missed our loveliest Spring by only a few days. Just this week everything has burst into bloom, especially the dogwood trees which were only in bud while you were here. Now they are fully open and all of Greensboro and the Piedmont seem to be a Fairyland. I suspect that Shigeo set a new world record for the number of videotapes taken in a five week span! ! And surely your fellow Rotarians and other interested people as well will enjoy seeing and hearing about us.

Good luck to you all in everything you undertake. You have had the experience of a lifetime and you will never forget it! ! ! !

Yours in Rotary

Joe Gawthrop