ROTARY INTERNATIONAL District 9980 New Zealand

Peter C. Haines, District Governor 1996/97

26 August 1997

Dear PDG Shozo,

Claire and I send you greetings from D-9980 and hope you are enjoying your current status in Rotary. We hope that you found your year personally satisfying and that you are now taking a well earned rest from the demands of governorship.

When our team arrived back at Dunedin airport from Osaka, it was immediately obvious that they had had a most enjoyable experience. Now that they have settled back to life in New Zealand, they have had time to reflect on their very good fortune in having the opportunity to visit your district.

As you will see from the enclosed report, the exchange has very successfully achieved the objectives of the Rotary Foundation. A particularly satisfying aspect of their Osaka experience was the reinforcement of Rotary values and ideals. In addition, there were significant personal benefits. We thank you, your officers and your district for making this possible and we hope that all will take satisfaction from this success.

We do hope that we can maintain this very happy relationship between our districts.

Yours in Rotary

Peter C Haines

Past District Governor