Samantha York

(Team member, Secondary school teacher)

Selection Process

Found the panel interview daunting but the BBQ was a great way of meeting the rest of the applicants.

Concept of G.S.E.


Organization of the team prior to departure date

I felt that Margaret (Williams, team leader) was almost left in the dark to a certain extent about uniform and expectations on the team. It may be a good idea to have past team leaders and members talk to the current team about their experiences. After all the better equipped the team is the better the experience and impression that the team makes.

As alternate team member the preparation given to me was minimal - it was very hard because I never knew what to feel, think, or do. Every year there is an alternate. Maybe they could be available to talk to the next alternate as it's the hardest team position to fill - its definitely easier to be the one going. Please see enclosed open letter to alternate team members.

Team Format

1st Week in Tokyo

An excellent chance to get to know the rest of the team and experience Japanese Culture and language without the watchful eyes of Osaka Rotary. Lunch was good to Margaret! The language school was intense yet very useful.

5 Weeks in Osaka


Aspects of the Trip

1. Host Families

One week with each family was great. You got to know your family and felt at home. The families gave up so much time to transport us around, and act as translators. Marvelous hosts!

2. Vocation Days

An excellent opportunity to observe and study Japanese education first hand.

3. Sightseeing

Awesome - highlights included: Hiroshima, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, and Aquarium.

4. Company Visits

Incredibly informative, NTT and Sanyo were personal highlights. Also planting a tree at Expo '90 park was touching.

5. Hotel Stays

An oasis in the calm of the storm.

General Comments

The rest of the team were amazing - they looked after me as the "baby" of the team. Without them I would not have enjoyed my trip at all. Many thanks to the Rotarians of District 9980 for the opportunity - it has been of a terrific benefit both personally and professionally. Thank you.

Dear Alternate team member

Horrible name isn't it! I know exactly how you feel - you're up for the trip of a lifetime only you're not going.

I have some news for you - alternates do get to go - I did. 2 weeks out another team member pulled out and I was on my way to Japan. At first I felt guilty about going in the place of another but soon relaxed and loved my trip.

It is difficult hearing the team plan but get involved - if you can help the team do so - its all really good experience. Also the chance to get to know five other awesome (as they must be to be G.S.E. members) people.

Finally remember you have to experience the laws of the valley to appreciate the mountain peaks.

Samantha York